Language Learning

International schools recognise and appreciate that their students come to school with cultural and linguistic funds of knowledge.  Recognising that identity and a sense of belonging is embedded in cultural, social and linguistic learning experiences is what we understand to be teaching to the whole child.  This appreciation of the richness and diversity of experiences in a class or group of students support learners in being agentive and therefore responsible for their own learning.  One way of exploring and appreciating the students and their perspectives is through establishing language agreements.  By asking some key questions about learners’ experiences with their use of language and making the dialogue and discourse visible, uncovers some misconceptions about language learning and how learners of multiple languages use their knowledge.

The link below displays Grade One students thoughts about language learning within the context of a large International School in Switzerland.


About maria haeberli

Passionate about teaching and learning within a sociocultural stance. In international education for many years and enjoy working with children and teachers from different national backgrounds. I am an IB PYP workshop leader and school visitor and have taken on various leadership roles in the past including PYP Coordinator. The love of working with children has pulled me back into the classroom.
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